Sunday, August 1, 2010


Ok- so after joining a couple of community groups and an online site, the pickins are slim! The project starts tomorrow, and I'm having a hard time finding women that I think are attractive. "30 dates in 30 days is easy if you just lower your standards,' I've said to multiple friends, but the challenge is to find people that I actually want to spend time with and get to know better, rather than meeting a numerical target. So, after an awkward "do I/don't I" with someone that I'm not at all attracted to, it seems to make sense to recalibrate this project.

Attractive and intelligent lesbians in a rustbelt city; it seems reasonable enough.

Keeping in mind my actual goal of meeting people that I like, rather than collecting stories of awkward moments, I'm going to approach this as 3 dates/week for the next month. It sounds much more reasonable. It means that I won't need to drive for two hours to meet women in order to hit my quota. And, most importantly, it's STILL gonna be quite a challenge to hit that mark.

2 dates set up for next week.

Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. This is a cool project, and I look forward to hearing about it! When I was working on my first master degree I was very lonely. That was before the internet had become a useful tool for meeting people, so I was stuck in an awful town where I knew no one, just sort of cocooned in my apartment studying and drinking coffee. Best of luck with your dates!

    Also, in case you are interested, I am curating, which is a site where people can talk about their bodies and experiences in a safe and supportive space. Please feel free to look around, comment, submit your own images and words, or pass it on to others you know who might be interested.
